In "Pompeii Fast Food Joint To Re-open After Two Thousand Year Hiatus."

If it doesn't have garum, I'm not interested.

In ""Don't lick your pizza""

*tries not to make filthy joke*

In "Crayola colours "


In "Lascaux: The beginning of art"


In "Octopus with Shoes"

Grim Pot the Peripatetic.

They look like little green sunglasses and he can't decide which ones to wear. Or maybe a pea pod he's broken in half and playing spaceships with. VWOOSH VWOOM PEW PEW Comedy salt & pepper shakers in the shape of bikini tops?

In "Sleep Talkin' Man."

Ah, cynicism! An unpleasant way of telling the truth. ;)

In "Octopus with Shoes"

I like cheese.

That's right, BlueHorse.

In "The Lone Ranger in a Volvo"

Exact same thing happened to me.

In "Dark matter discovered?"

"Dr Leslie Sage sounds a bit of a tit." That update wasn't there when I posted.

In "Weird Book Room"

yay for bifurcated rivets!

In "Oooooh."

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone KILLL M E NOWWWW

In "Scanning Dead Salmon in fMRI Machine Highlights Risk of Red Herrings."

"Isn't it possible that there was still some brain activity in the dead fish?" No.

In "Baby Baboon"

oh I see the problem.. I meant *I'm* so old. Sorry for confusion. :(

We're all in this together.

ha ha ha I think I remember seeing that ad. OH GOD SOOOO OOOOOOLD

In "Spacecraft 'could surf gravitational tubes' to make solar travel more efficient."

yay hyperspace

In "Has the legendary Bigfoot been photographed?"

oh that one

Which god?

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)